My Flesh Just Got Stronger

Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. From The Bible: Account of Jesus’ last night in Gethsemane. Matthew Ch.26:41.

The title of this post is an epithet for my blogging dilemma. I have been wanting to blog for the last couple of years – first as part of my website, then separately – but for some or the other reason didn’t take-off! But a few things prevent it from being pushed any further down my task list. I have always had a lot of things in my mind: some for the posterity of the human race and others to take away productive time. Not that I have been great at penning, just that I have always been clear in my thoughts. All I needed was some place to write; and what better than a blog! A few months back, even my boss encouraged me to do some reading, exploration and write about it. What could be a better reason with appraisals right around the corner! Continue reading My Flesh Just Got Stronger